Monday, April 21, 2008

The Roman Bath Houses

Do you know that Rome has a bath house that is humongous? To keep the bath warm there is a furnace. The furnace is under the floor. Because it is under the floor it is able to heat the pools and also heat the floors and rooms. The people who keep the fire going are slaves. The walls are hollow so the heat will not come out from the bath house. Eventually the heat will go out but not for a couple hours. The bath houses are so huge it’s amazing! One tub in the bath house can fit 1,000 people. Imagine two tubs that would equal 2,000 people. That is a lot of humans. In the bath house there are three different tubs and they all have names, so I will tell you what they are called. First there is the Frigeadium, which is a cold pool. Then there is the Tepadrium, and that is a medium warm pool, and finally there is the Caldarium. The Caldarium pool is the very hot pool. Because it is so hot it allows you to sweat. Boys and girls, don’t worry, the girls have a different bath house then the boys. If you sweat this allows you pours to open up so the dirt and stuff will come off and out of your skin. Definitely now you know how awesome and huge the bath house really is.

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