Friday, February 22, 2008

Weekly Student Letter


Dear Parents,

We have had such an exciting week you could not even guess what we have done. Our class has been putting the finishing touches on our insect posters. We will all be done on Monday. The posters are looking awesome and have really interesting information on them. This week we had to do three long tests. The tests are called NEWEA tests but we call them Sushi tests. We have been tested on reading, writing, and math. Our class has been rushing through unit six in math because we want to take the unit test before winter break. Remind me to look over the homework from this unit so I can do well on the test. This unit we have learned about lines of symmetry, angles, rays, lines, polygons, and three dimensional shapes. Clearly you should realize we have had a very busy week.


Your Little Insect

Friday, February 15, 2008

Weekly Letter

February 15, 2008

Dear Parents,

We have been doing so much stuff this week we hardly know where to start. However we will tell you about a few activities we have been doing. One thing we have been working on is learning about an insect order. To do this we have researched an insect family and are now creating a poster that tells about the order. Some of the orders we are studying are Hemipetera, Diptera, Odanata, Coleoptera, and Lepidopetera. We all can’t wait to start collecting insects.
Also in math we are learning about Geometry. Our class has learned about, line segments, lines, rays, triangles, polygons and how to name different shapes. A line is a line that goes on forever in both ways unlike a ray which only continues through one point forever. Geometry has been interesting to learn about.
In reading we have been learning about Main Idea. We took a test and all did very well. Each of us has learned how to find main idea in fables, fictional stories, and informational text. Literature groups have also been great. A few groups have finished their books and are almost ready to choose another story. Reading has been very entertaining.
Surely you can understand that our class has had a marvelous week.


Your Child
PS Continue studying math facts. Also the blog has been updated and I hope you spend time discussing what you find with your student.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

One morning Garfield wanted to play tag and John didn’t want to. Later in the day Garfield asked John, “Please my old friend. Will you play hide and goes seek with me.” “Can’t you see I’m a little tired here. Go play with Ode” Said John in a tired voice. “ I don’t want to.” Garfield replied. “Oh well” yelled John. A little bit later Garfield saw Ode and he shouted out “Hey Ode do you want to play hide and go seek?” “What time asked Ode?” “Now” yelled Garfield. “Ok. Let’s go play” Ode announced

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Fun Multiplication Math Games

Fun Multiplication Math Games


Friday, February 1, 2008

Math Problem Solver

Math Time

Introduction to X6 Facts

Bug Family Studies

Colonial Posters

Comic Qoutations

Garfield and Odie are asleep in their beds. Garfield said in his dreams
“I hate Odie.” Odie continues to snore. In the morning Garfield goes to see John in he living room. John is making jokes with his sock puppet. John said with puppet "I’m Mr. Banana Head.” “Ha ha ha,” laughed Garfield. Garfield said “For you.” "I love it.” Nermel responded.
One night John just wouldn’t be quiet, and Garfield was sleeping. John was playing the accordion and dancing around like a crazy man. “I’m trying to sleep here because it’s 8:00 pm now shut-up!” said Garfield. Odie saw John dancing around and wonted to dance also. Then John started to play with his sock puppet. Garfield mumbled “Here is my owner stupid John” John did not hear Garfield saw that about him. “K, now can you be quiet,” Odie thought. Then John went and put his sock puppet away in his drawer. “O.K I’ll be quiet,” John sighed. Garfield was so happy he said “ Thank you dear lord!” “Nighty night Pookie” Odie whispered to his favorite little bear.
It is day time Fred and Samantha are inside talking about getting a horse. Fred went outside to get the horse Fred called.’’ Here horsey horsey lets go home.’’ The horse did not want to go at first then the horse went up to Fred. So when Fred and the horse got home Samantha called.” You are back already Fred.” “Yah we are back Samantha.” exclaimed Fred. After they had got the horse and went home they had a lot of fun. They had a race to see who was the fastest and they also had an eating contest to see who could eat the food plates the fastest but on everything they did the horse won them all.