Friday, April 18, 2008

Letter April 18

April 18, 2008

Dear Parents,

We have the most tiring week of the year! Our class has been WASL testing the entire week. Each day the test last for about two hours and afterward our brains are exhausted. Unfortunately Mr. Grillo made us do math after the second session of WASL math but then we got to do a Bio Blitz outside. Our class also got a new students named Isaac. So now our class is up to thirteen. Because on Friday we didn’t have WASL we spent a lot of time working on many different activities. We worked on Roman writing, some started a mural, finished field guide pages, discovered plants that would work in our new school garden and helped design and display case. Our class also started working on learning vocabulary for Douglas Creek and many of us finished our plant experiment procedure. As you can see we had a very busy week.


Your Amazing Test Taker

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