Friday, March 21, 2008

March 21, 2008

Dear Loving Parents,

We have had an exciting week. Many of us have gotten far on our Roman work. Some of us have even built our building on our Roman town! We are using sugar cubes to build our building and we are using hot glue to glue to them together. If you can please remind me to bring sugar cubes. Our class has been studying our buildings and finding the dimensions for our Roman town. We are using Sketch Up to design a 3D model of our buildings. Before we starting building we had to put the models footprint on the board. The roads are being made out of rocks, sand, and glue.
This week our class has almost finished their Roman news report. Next week we will begin taping each news report and the video will be placed on the blog. Overall our few days at school this week have been very busy and exciting. We look forward to next week so we can finish our city and other work.


Your Roman Builder

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